Saturday, February 20, 2010


The other day Beckym went upstairs and managed to get into Payton's room and onto his bed where his medals were.  I all of a sudden heard him coming down the steps making all kids of noise.  I had no idea what all the clanging was until I saw him.


I guess he is hoping for an Olympic medal someday! LOL


A new toy

Beckym dont really play with toys a lot and he likes to come up with different things to play with that he really shouldn't.  Today he thought he would push a chair over to the fridge and play with it.  At least there is a lock on the water and ice dispenser. 





Well today Beckym decided to go potty on the potty chair.  He told me he had to go potty and I said ok.  This is something he does every so often but he ends up just playing in the bathroom naked and not ever going potty.  So when he said he had to go I thought nothing of it.  When I went to look at him, he was looking at the chair and putting his hand in it.  I ran in to see there really was potty in it.  I was really excited and really quick to get his hands washed.  He thought he was pretty big stuff.  I am not sure I am ready for this or not.  He may not be either but he has gone twice and right now has underwear on.  So keep your fingers crossed!!
Here he is sitting on the potty.


He got a piece of candy too!


Right away we went and found some "big boy"  underwear of Cadynce's


 He thought he was pretty neat.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Payton's Birthday

Payton had his birthday party on his actual birthday this year because they did not have school due to conferences.  The boys all came over for cake and presents and then Scott took them all downtown to the College Basketball Experience.  They all had a good time down there and I think lost track of time because they were there for 3 hours.  Cadynce got to go too.  Here are all the boys that went.


 Blowing out candles on his cookie cake.


 There two also enjoyed having cake.



He still loves Texas stuff!




Shooting hoops.


Playing a game on an awesome court.


Payton and Cadynce announcing a game.  They would announce and then you could watch it on the screen.




Payton and Cadynce.


Even Cadynce could shoot some hoops with this really big ball.


Scott's Birthday

Yes even Scott gets to have a birthday cake and candles.  We have Payton and Scott's birthday within 4 days of each other and than Valentine's Day so we have a lot of cake and candy the month of Feb.

Blowing out the candles!


These two were being silly before eating cake.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pretty snow

Last week we got another snow storm but this one was different because as much as I hate more snow it was so pretty.  I was in aw as I drove to get Cadynce from school that I couldn't stop taking pictures.  Here are just a few of the many that I took.



The drive to school.


Scott's old car that sits in the driveway with all of the snow on it.


Here is a shot down the street.  Yes that is me getting ready to scoop the whole driveway with no help from Scott.  He was home long enough to take a picture of me and Cadynce getting ready to start.  I think I had the hardest and heaviest snow storm!


ER visit

Well it has been quite a week!! I have wrecked my car, Elley had to go to the Animal Hospital and continue seeing the vet every 5 days.  Beckym ended up with croup and a double ear infection.  Then last night Beckym and all the boys were playing in the basement and Beckym tripped and hit his eye on a folding chair.  Scott came up and yelled for me and told me Beckym fell and I didn't think much of it till he said and its bleeding! So I ran down and looked at his eye and said well we are going to the ER.  So off Beckym and I went.  Scott stayed home with the other two boys.  When we got there the doctor looked at it and siad that he thought it was a clean cut and he could glue it.  I loved that because it meant Beckym would hopefully not be traumatized.  While we were there he was awesome.  He never cried a one time while they cleaned it out and made him lie still for 10 minutes while the glue dried.  Here are a few pictures from our visit.  As you can see it didn't really faze him.


Here he is today and it looks really good.