Monday, May 31, 2010

Royals game with Dad

Last weekend Scott, Payton and Cadynce all went to the Royals game and had a great time.  I think they did about everything you can do at the ballpark.  I sent the camera with Scott and I believe he did a pretty good job at taking pictures of all that they did.  Here is Cadynce hitting the baseball on the little field. 

Running along side a Royals player but is was pretend.

Pitching against a machine that tells you how fast you are throwing.

Mini golf.

Riding the carousel. 

Even getting their pictures drawn.

Cadynce looks thrilled:)

Watching the game.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Cadynce also had a fun week with finishing kindergarten.  They had a carnival planned for the kids in the evening with all kids of fun things to do.  He had a lot of fun and was able to see all his friends from school.  He especially liked the cake walk which was like musical chairs. When your number was called you could pick out a prize which where whole cakes! He played it about 10 times but only one once.  Here he is playing the soccer goal game.

Ring toss.

Bean bag toss.

He was even able to get a tattoo while he was there.  He did pick out one of the biggest ones in the bag to put right on his leg.

5th Grade Farewell

Wow my first born is now going to be in Middle School.  Last week he had a big day at school which is called the 5th grade farewell.  They have a whole day where they just have fun outside.  They played games, had a cook-out, essays read, and then run out of the school while all the younger kids cheer them on.  I was able to attend some of the events with Payton and got a few moments on camera.  

Here is Payton playing a water balloon toss.  He ended up being one of the last ones and it didn't end up popping on him. 

Here he is in the tug of war.  They had many of these and they were fun to watch.

He thinks he is ready for Middle School next year and also thinks it means he needs a cell phone.  We will need to discuss this more.  His parents dont think he needs one but the more and more parents I talk to the more I hear about their kids having them.  We will see what happens this summer.  ha ha

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This is what happens when daddy is in charge.  Scott and Beckym decided to see how many stickers they could put on Beckym while I was on the computer researching bushes for our landscape.

I dont really think that they missed a one single spot!

Music Concert

Payton had his last music concert of elementary school last week.  It was all done with instruments such as drums, sticks, and xylophones.  It was a different kind of concert and really neat to watch.  Here are a few pictures of him dancing with sticks.  

Here he is playing the drums.  Sorry about the picture but when you have to sit in the back with a two year old you take what you can.

Poor Cadynce

Well Thursday Cadynce jumped off the neighbor's couch and hurt his leg.  He at first just hobbled around for two days and then stopped walking all together.  So Saturday we went in for an x-ray and found out it was not broke and were told to go to the orthopaedic doctor on Monday.  Today we had more x-rays of the knee and hip but still no one knows what is wrong.  They told him to wear a brace and walk with a walker and give it another week and a half and if he still cannot walk they will do an MRI.
Here is a picture of Cadynce and his walker.

Beckym thought he needed a picture with the walker too.

Cadynce dont seem too upset about it but he hasn't walked with it since these pictures on Monday.  He hates it! As of today he is doing great and walking on his leg.  He is almost back to normal so we are waiting for a call back form the doctor saying he can do without the brace. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Trip to Iowa

Well this past weekend Cadynce, Beckym and I made a trip back to Iowa to see mom and dad's new house and hang out a little.  It was a quick trip but we got a lot packed into a little bit of time.  I got a little picture happy so here are a ton of pictures from our trip back.  The second day we were there it rained so I got my makeup out and did make overs.  I started with Emily and then mom.  By then the boys were up and thought they needed theirs done along with Harper.  Here are some photos of our makeovers.  Harper with blush, eyeshadow and lip gloss.

Lake picked purple eyeshadow.

Cadynce picked blue probably to match his shirt.

Wow what a sexy momma!!

These two showing off their make up at the bon-fire. 

Here is Harper in her mini and farm boots

That night we had a bomb-fire and when we got there it was a little too big to roast hot dogs and smores.

Josh trying to roast hot dogs from afar.

Harper got hungry and just ate her hot dog raw right off the stick.

Leave it to Brandyn to rig up someway to roast those hot dogs.  See them way up high taped to a tree branch?

Proud of his work.

Beckym and Cadynce eating in the back of the Ranger.

Feeding Harper her hot dog.

Beckym riding in the back of the Ranger where he was most of the night because that is where the food was.

Lake taking a big bite of his smore.

We had to get Bray's frown on camera.  What a face!

Bray feeding Beckym some chips.  Its a good thing he didn't bite her.

A little excited for a bite.

How sweet!

Yes even Cubby and Kinze were there.

I am not sure what to say about this picture.  They were busy inspecting their smores or something.

Mom checking out the sunset with the dogs.

Brandym posing in the sunset.

Papa taking the kids for a ride.

At the end of the night the fire had finally calmed down.

Then it was time to head in for baths because we all smelled like smoke.

After bath was dance party time and then straight to bed.