Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Payton playing baseball

Here is Payton playing baseball.  Here he is playing third but he is normally on first.

Going for a grounder.

I know he isn't in focus but I thought it was a different picture.

Coach Marlow.

Calling a time out while he gets ready to hit.


Cadynce playing baseball

This year Cadynce played coach pitch in baseball.  He is on the same team as last year so he knows a lot of the boys and is having a good time.  Here is warming up before the very hot game that day.  He normally wears his full uniform but it was just too hot that day and the other parents did the same.

Getting ready to  hit the ball.


Not sure what is going on here.

Swimming with Nana

Nana came over the weekend and we took the little boys up to the pool while Scott was at work.  Payton had a game that night so he couldn't go either.  So Nana and I went and had a great time for about 3 and a half hours! We were shocked we all made it that long.  Here is Cadynce jumping in the pool with his goggles on.

Beckym finally went to Nana so I could take some pictures.

Swimming to the side.

Looks like he is posing for the camera:)

I told Nana she would get wet and I dont think she believed me.  She was a little surprised.

She even had to go all the way under the water.  Beckym is thinking she is crazy for trying to stay dry at the pool.

Here they are both drenched.

Cadynce was busy playing with the buckets in his own little world.


These two crazy boys love to wrestle on the couch when they are home at all times.  Beckym can about take Cadynce for the most part but Cadynce also lets him and then laughs when he takes him down.  Here Beckym is tackling Cadynce as they are falling off the couch.

Roaring at Cadynce before he runs straight for him.

Down for the count.

Oops he fell off backwards.

Cadynce helping him up to play some more.

Playing in the rain

Payton and the kids playing in the rain.  Since it has rained so much this summer I eventually just let them play in the rain.  They had a lot of fun splashing in the puddles and wearing off energy before bedtime. 

Following Payton around the neighborhood.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Payton finally got his first official home run this year! The other night he had a late game so I was home with the little boys in bed.  So yes I missed it but I was super excited when I heard about it at 11:00 that night.  Payton was pretty pumped too.    I guess it was a really far hit over the "green monster" and even missed the cars on the other side of the fence in the parking lot.  Below is the trophy he got for hitting the home run.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Storm Watchers

Well I think Scott finally found his little storm watcher.  The other night there was a storm rolling in and these two were busy watching the lightening and listening to it thunder.  Beckym would get really excited every time it thundered or the lightening lit up the sky.  Here the two of them are watching out the window before bedtime.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hydrangea bush

I have been talking about how pretty my hydrangea bush is lately so I thought I would take a picture of it and post it on here.  It has really done well this year so far.

Here is the rest of the landscape with the flowers all planted.  I will post another picture when they all get bigger and fill in.

The front pots finally got finished!!

Playing in the rain

The boys were bored so I told them to go out and play in the rain and they did.  I was really pouring but I dont think they cared.  I didn't think Beckym would like it but he chased right after Payton.

Yes he is wearing big boy underwear! We took a break from our last attempt and now we were ready this time.  He is doing awesome!

Payton taking a break under the trampoline.

Beckym don't understand why he needs to do this.