Nana came over the weekend and we took the little boys up to the pool while Scott was at work. Payton had a game that night so he couldn't go either. So Nana and I went and had a great time for about 3 and a half hours! We were shocked we all made it that long. Here is Cadynce jumping in the pool with his goggles on.
Beckym finally went to Nana so I could take some pictures.
Swimming to the side.
Looks like he is posing for the camera:)
I told Nana she would get wet and I dont think she believed me. She was a little surprised.
She even had to go all the way under the water. Beckym is thinking she is crazy for trying to stay dry at the pool.
Here they are both drenched.
Cadynce was busy playing with the buckets in his own little world.