Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas in Iowa

We went to Iowa to celebrate Christmas and went sledding as well.  They had a bunch of snow and the boys were really excited.  At the time we had not gotten any snow but we sure have snow now.  Below the boys are are shoveling off the the pond so they could sled across it.

Payton and the dogs.

Scott shoveling the pond.

Cadynce all bundled up.


The three stooges sledding.

Payton and Cadynce  going down the hill into the trees.

Then having to jump off at the bottom of the hill.

Everyone helping clear the pond.

Sledding across the pond.

Papa and Beckym reading a semi book.  Notice who would not move for Beckym to sit by Papa.

All cleared off.

Opening presents after a long day of sledding.  So everyone has PJ's on.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas Eve

We have traditions that go along with Christmas Eve and here are a few things that we did.  First we decorate cookies for Santa.  Below are all the boys decorating their own cookies that they then turn around and eat.  After that they decorate some more that will be for Santa.

Polar Express and hot chocolate.

Putting reindeer food out so that Santa's reindeer know where we live.  

Setting out Santa's cookies and milk.

Then off to try to get some sleep.

Christmas choir

Cadynce was the only one who was in the right age group to be in the Christmas choir this year.  Here he is in the navy and white sweater singing in front of church.

The boys all ready to go to Christmas Eve service and yes Beckym is holding a chip which he could not part with for the picture!

Sick boy

The week before Christmas Beckym got really sick and was puking all the time.  The car, his bed, the wood floor but by the end he was using a bowl thank goodness! Below he is waiting for his daddy to come home.  He actually sat here for 30 minutes waiting for Scott to come home just in time to help put him to bed.  Notice he has his bowl right next to him.


Well Payton had his first band concert last month and in Middle School they need to wear a white button-up, black pants and shoes.  Boy was he excited about this outfit considering I can hardly get him to wear jeans.  He may not dress up like this again until prom so I had to take a picture:)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today on his third birhtday

Here are a few pictures we took today on Bekcym's birthday.  No tubes here just one crazy and busy little boy.

Posing all silly.

Here he is on his new bed that he got last week.  He is showing that we painted a few of his squares on the wall.

 Messing up all his new pillows which are never put on here right.

Happy Birthday

Well today is my baby's third birthday! I can't believe that he is already 3 years old.  It seems like only yesterday he was that little boy in the hospital not doing well.  I have posted a few pictures from when he was born that I did not share the day he was  born becuase I didn't like them.  Now he is a crazy three year old and way past all the tubes and monitors:) Above he is wide awake and holding my finger.

Below is Scott holding him but not for long because he was not breathing well.

Here Beckym is in the NICU with all his tubes and IV.

Under the lights getting a sun tan and all snuggled up.

Finally no tubes and ready to go home.

He had some big brothers who were excited for him and mom to get home and back to somewhat normal.

Here I was relaxing with Beckym and my other two babies.  Elley was only a couple months old so she was still a baby too.  Weber just loves to snuggle.