Monday, December 5, 2011


For Halloween the boys all picked out their own outfits but Beckym needed a little help.  Payton decided to wear a morph-suit with a bunch of other kids. 

Cadynce was a ninja with some other boys in the neighborhood because this way they could all be brothers for the night:)

Beckym wanted to be a wasp and was dead set on it.  Somehow we convinced him to be a Hawkeyes football player and that this was a lot like a wasp.  Ha Ha! Posing below after a touchdown.

Pumpkin carving

Every year we carve a pumpkin and the boys help somewhat.  This year like the last couple of years they get really excited about doing it but it ends up that just Scott is the one carving in the end and the one the has the most fun with it.  This is why we only carve one:)

Monday, October 17, 2011

First Football game

Beckym had his first football game last week and had a great time playing.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous.  Below is Beckym's whole team lining up to meet the other team.

Beckym, Drew M., Colton, some other kid and Drew Y. who are all the boys he knows.  They all started the first game together.  Don't they look tough.

Here Beckym is told he going to get the ball first and run it down for a touchdown.  He has the end zone in his sight with a grin to go with it. 

Ready for the hand off with his tongue hanging out.

End he is off.

Still going...

and safely made it in the end zone!!!

Here he is the quarterback getting ready to hand it off to Colton.  I believe here he handed it off between his legs like the center did ha ha.

Making sure Colton is ready for his hand off.  

Cadynce playing soccer

Cadynce played Fall soccer this Fall with the same team that he normally is on.  Below are some snapshots from the games.  Below Cadynce is being a defender.

Going after the ball.

Take a look at that face:)

Beckym's First flag football practice

We decided to put Beckym in flag football this Fall because he loves to play any sport possible right now.  He loves football and wakes up asking if he gets to play football today.  Below are a few pictures from his first practice.  There will be game pictures following in another post.

Below Beckym is patiently waiting to get started.

 During a scrimmage he scored a touchdown which is below.  Look at the smile on his face as he runs down the field!

Below are Drew Majerus and Drew Yockey who are some neighbors of ours who are on Beckym's team.  These three are going to be some great ball players some day.  Each of them live at their older brothers ball games every weekend.  I cant wait to watch these three play together as they get older.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Football season has started and here are a few pictures I took at Payton's game.  They so far have won both games and are off to a good start.

Below Payton is telling the huddle what play to they are running.  Payton is number 17 on the far right.

 Quarterbacking in the middle about to get the football.

Love this picture of Ben and Payton talking about the game.

About to kickoff.  Payton is the first one on the right side of the ball.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend we had absolutely nothing on the calendar which was nice for a change.  We could just hang out and grill and enjoy the bountiful weather.  We went for a bike ride on Labor Day and stopped at the park for a family game of tag.  Then we stopped and through rocks in the creek and then came home to relax while Beckym took a 3 hour nap.  I think we will need to do the long bike ride more often:) He did think he was big stuff.  
Here is Scott trying to stay away from Payton.

 Cadynce stopping for a brief pose.

Trying to see the fish that were in the creek.

Throwing rocks.

Not sure why this one is like this.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Here are a few pictures I took when we went to Iowa this summer.  I have more of Beckym because the big boys were on the boat the whole time. We got to freeze corn while we were there and Beckym liked helping with the water outside.

Here Beckym is dealing with the hose and the corn in the bucket.  

The older boys relaxing on the pond.

Every so often Beckym had to taste the water to make sure it was still cold.