Thursday, March 11, 2010

Will you marry me?

Well today Cadynce and I had a conversation and this is how it went.  Cadynce: Guess what mommy I love you.  Mommy: Well I love you too Cadynce.  Cadynce: I'm going to marry you.  Mommy: O.K. that would be fine. Cadynce: O.K. Then he goes on about playing and doing his thing.
This is one of those moments I just had to write down.  I hope to someday talk about this when he starts dating.  I can say remember when you said you were going to marry me?


  1. Ok, now that is cute. I'm sure he will deny it one day!

  2. oh yes, Lake told me the other day he wanted to marry me...and I have to admit, I'm okay with that. :)
