Sunday, May 30, 2010

5th Grade Farewell

Wow my first born is now going to be in Middle School.  Last week he had a big day at school which is called the 5th grade farewell.  They have a whole day where they just have fun outside.  They played games, had a cook-out, essays read, and then run out of the school while all the younger kids cheer them on.  I was able to attend some of the events with Payton and got a few moments on camera.  

Here is Payton playing a water balloon toss.  He ended up being one of the last ones and it didn't end up popping on him. 

Here he is in the tug of war.  They had many of these and they were fun to watch.

He thinks he is ready for Middle School next year and also thinks it means he needs a cell phone.  We will need to discuss this more.  His parents dont think he needs one but the more and more parents I talk to the more I hear about their kids having them.  We will see what happens this summer.  ha ha

1 comment:

  1. this is hard to believe that middle school is going to be in the Van Zante main vocabulary again, it seems like a little while ago we were there with you.
