Monday, August 30, 2010


Payton had a football scrimmage at the High School field this past Friday night.  Here he is on the sidelines.  He is number 18.

Here he is waiting for the ball to be snapped.

Making a tackle.

I will defiantly have many more pictures to come as the season progresses.

Cowmans here

This past weekend the Cowman's came to visit.  I of course didn't take very many pictures but here are a few.  Below is Harper and Beckym waiting with the garage door open for Scott to come home with the pizza.

Here are all the boys playing with Beckym's cash register.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tractors and safety goggles

The other day this is how I found Beckym playing quietly.  He had his tractor out but had to have his safety goggles on as well.  He looks a little silly I will admit but he wears these goggles a lot while running around the house. Here he is concentrating on what he is doing.

Close up of the goggles.

Friday, August 20, 2010

First day of school

The kids went to their first say of school on August 13th.  Which was really early this year for some reason.  It also was on Friday the 13th.  Payton is in Middle School this year and has to be at school by 7:55 so we are having early mornings here in the Marlow house.  This year Cadynce started first grade and now gets to go all day instead of half days.  He was really excited to go to lunch at school.  Here is Payton before he left for school.

Look at that big heavy backpack.  He had a lot to bring to school that first day.

He rides his bike and here he is leaving on it.

Here is Cadynce with his backpack.

Not near as full as his big brothers backpack. 

Monkey Number 2

Well Beckym is a monkey but so is Cadynce.  We seem to have forgotten how much of a monkey he was until we saw him doing this.  We used to call him Tarzan because he could climb up anything.  Here he is climbing up the trim in the house.  He just all of sudden decided to climb it while he was waiting for Payton.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fun at the pool

This summer Beckym has really gotten the hang of swimming under the water and isn't scared of anything when it comes to the pool.   Here he is swimming under water to Scott at our pool.

Cadynce swimming.

They love it when daddy can come and play with them at the pool.  This is also the only time I can take pictures or I am normally the one getting soaked in the deep end. 

Cadynce loves to be thrown in the air.

Cadynce always is wearing his goggles even when he isn't under the water.

Sporting daddy's shades.

Scott is about to get wet.  Beckym has pretty good aim with his water gun.


The first weekend in August we went to the Ozarks with the Marlows.  The boys always enjoy going down there and riding the wave runner.  Below are some pictures of the Scott, Payton, and Cadynce on the wave runner messing around. This is what they like to do the most.  This year the Marlows got a bigger wave runner and a tube so this was a new thrill for them. 

Payton jumping off the wave runner.

Now Cadynce jumping off the wave runner as well.

Payton on the tube.

Miniature Golf at Pirates Cove.

Cadynce's great form while putting:)

Cadynce and Jamison putting.


Cadynce and Beckym in the tub after a long day in the sun.  It had jets in it so they played in there a long time.  They also pretended to be Santa Clause.

The kids all liked feeding the ducks.  Here are all the ducks that were waiting for food.

Cadynce and the other kids all thought the bread was pretty good so they were feeding themselves as well as the ducks.

Beckym and Zane (Tracy's son) eating the bread as well.

The four boys being silly.

These two egg each other on but have a good time together.  Notice their mouths are all full.  Beckym jumped in this picture as well.


Beckym sitting on all the junk we had to bring.  He has found his bed time stuff and is ready to go.

The car ride home was not pleasant at all! This was before he melted down for most of the way. Happy and not yelling or crying.

He amused himself with this bag on his head for a little while.

Cadynce ready to get home and looking very tired.