Friday, August 20, 2010

First day of school

The kids went to their first say of school on August 13th.  Which was really early this year for some reason.  It also was on Friday the 13th.  Payton is in Middle School this year and has to be at school by 7:55 so we are having early mornings here in the Marlow house.  This year Cadynce started first grade and now gets to go all day instead of half days.  He was really excited to go to lunch at school.  Here is Payton before he left for school.

Look at that big heavy backpack.  He had a lot to bring to school that first day.

He rides his bike and here he is leaving on it.

Here is Cadynce with his backpack.

Not near as full as his big brothers backpack. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm of course missin some good pictures but what can I say. That back pak is too heavy for their backs, my goodness! Pretty hard to believe we have one in middle school.
