Sunday, June 26, 2011

baby birds

More critters to take care of.  There was a nest of birds in our neighbors yard that were scared out of their nest too early.  So they could not fly yet and made their way to our yard and then one fell in our window well again.  We saved it and they decided to hang out by our front window for the rest of the day.  I dont know if they thought I was their mom or what but it was pretty cute.  They were a little noisy though during Beckym's nap time.  Be;low is a picture of one of them at the front door.

Elley went nuts as they went fro one window to the next.  She just wanted to get them and play with them.

After hanging around for a couple of days and being fed by their parents they did fly away safely.  I really hope next Spring isn't as eventful.  It is a lot of work to take care of these babies. 

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