Thursday, March 29, 2012

Beckym turns 4 years old!

It is hard to believe that my baby is already four years old! Looking at the pictures below brings back many memories and my has he gotten stronger, bigger, and tougher.  There is now wander he is very strong willed little boy:) We should have known back then when he was taking off all his tubes and trying to lift his head up when he shouldn't have been.

Now here is all grown up into a little man.  On his birthday I had put a bunch of balloons in his room for his to wake up to.  He thought it was pretty cool!

He wanted to have a dinosaur birthday so that is what he got.  We went and ate at T-Rex.

I had a dinosaur cake made as well.

Opening presents.

I couldn't get a good smile out of him he was being a goof off.

Blowing out the candles all by himself.

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