Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas card

Well this year we had many attempts at a possible Christmas card picture.  The boys didn't like the  many times I dressed them up and told them we were going to take pictures.  We finally did get a few ok ones but not one perfect one but oh well maybe next year we will have the perfect picture:) Below are the pictures that mostly did not make the card.  Some are funny so I thought I would share how hard it is to get three boys looking and smiling at the same time. 
Below was too sunny so they all had squinty eyes.  Also in the first few below I had the camera on a wrong setting and there was always one of the boys out of focus.

Beckym sticking his tongue out.

Good if it wasn't out of focus.

Beckym looks like he is struggling to hold his head up or something. 

Cadynce's smile is too cheesy.

Scott told them to stand like this and Beckym took it a bit further and started shaking his booty.

If you look closely all three are holding a dumb weed right in front of them.

Just didn't like.

These next few are too dark and no one was cooperating.  Below Beckym is about to throw a rock in the creek yet Cadynce is still trying to smile while watching him:)

No smile from Beclym.  He had just woke up from a nap and was not in the mood for this.

They all ran away from me when I told them to hold hands and walk away.

I told them to all stand by Payton and smile.  Beckym decided to really stand next to Payton.  Also Payton's shirt looks huge on him here. 

Too cheesy.

Beckym not wanting to sit like the others and Cadynce talking to him. 

This one made the card but was not the greatest.  It worked though.

Cadynce was mad becuase Beckym wouldn't move.

This one is one of my favorites becuase they are definitely showing off their personalities; at least the younger two are.

This one made the card.

Not all looking at me.

Not bad it was in the running.

Too cheesy again.

Not bad but Beckym is a little far away from Cadynce. 

One that was in the running.

Payton's better picture that made the card.

Being awnery. 

A good one but didn't make the card.  Scott like another one better. 

Made the card.

Made the card.

Well now that you all know how hard it is to come up with a Christmas card photo for the Marlow's maybe you will enjoy what you all did get in the mail.  Ha! I hope next year isn't as stressful. 

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