Saturday, February 20, 2010


Well today Beckym decided to go potty on the potty chair.  He told me he had to go potty and I said ok.  This is something he does every so often but he ends up just playing in the bathroom naked and not ever going potty.  So when he said he had to go I thought nothing of it.  When I went to look at him, he was looking at the chair and putting his hand in it.  I ran in to see there really was potty in it.  I was really excited and really quick to get his hands washed.  He thought he was pretty big stuff.  I am not sure I am ready for this or not.  He may not be either but he has gone twice and right now has underwear on.  So keep your fingers crossed!!
Here he is sitting on the potty.


He got a piece of candy too!


Right away we went and found some "big boy"  underwear of Cadynce's


 He thought he was pretty neat.



  1. Wow! a great thing to do on a Saturday when daddy is gone, right? He fits those undies better than his bigger brother does. Now the challenge of the day is "the big job" Are you sure the potty chair shouldn't be by the dining room table?
    have fun!

  2. Way to go Beckym!!! I hope the novelty doesn't wear off. No more diapers...doesn't that sound nice! He might have this mastered before Kyndal!

  3. I have to agree with Nana...the potty chair was in our dining room for 2 weeks :) Good luck and good jub Beckym!
