Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ER visit

Well it has been quite a week!! I have wrecked my car, Elley had to go to the Animal Hospital and continue seeing the vet every 5 days.  Beckym ended up with croup and a double ear infection.  Then last night Beckym and all the boys were playing in the basement and Beckym tripped and hit his eye on a folding chair.  Scott came up and yelled for me and told me Beckym fell and I didn't think much of it till he said and its bleeding! So I ran down and looked at his eye and said well we are going to the ER.  So off Beckym and I went.  Scott stayed home with the other two boys.  When we got there the doctor looked at it and siad that he thought it was a clean cut and he could glue it.  I loved that because it meant Beckym would hopefully not be traumatized.  While we were there he was awesome.  He never cried a one time while they cleaned it out and made him lie still for 10 minutes while the glue dried.  Here are a few pictures from our visit.  As you can see it didn't really faze him.


Here he is today and it looks really good.




  1. poor little guy! Glad to hear they didn't have to do stitches (I know first hand how bad that needle hurts ;)).
    Lake is still concerned about him. He told Josh all about it when he got home last night and wanted to show him the picture you sent.

  2. Poor guy! He looks good and so brave. Kelvey feel last night and bumped her head and I was a nervous wreck. Didn't phase her much. About a min of tears and a kiss and its all better. I hope you have had a better week!

  3. Ahh, I didn't know about this one. So lucky, no stitches! I think the Geis fam has enough stitches for our block. Love that Shawnee Pavilion huh?

  4. how is the scar doing by now? Papa hates stuff on the face ya know
