Friday, February 12, 2010

Payton's Birthday

Payton had his birthday party on his actual birthday this year because they did not have school due to conferences.  The boys all came over for cake and presents and then Scott took them all downtown to the College Basketball Experience.  They all had a good time down there and I think lost track of time because they were there for 3 hours.  Cadynce got to go too.  Here are all the boys that went.


 Blowing out candles on his cookie cake.


 There two also enjoyed having cake.



He still loves Texas stuff!




Shooting hoops.


Playing a game on an awesome court.


Payton and Cadynce announcing a game.  They would announce and then you could watch it on the screen.




Payton and Cadynce.


Even Cadynce could shoot some hoops with this really big ball.


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