Sunday, January 31, 2010

Poor Elley

Well today Elley woke up not acting quite right.  She kept shaking and her eyes were both somewhat swollen.  I didnt really think a whole lot of it at first but then when she kept shaking I thought I better make a phone call.  I called the animal hospital and asked their opinion about what to do with her.  They said she was probably shaking because she was in pain and that she should be seen before Monday morning.  So I went to the hospital with her after lunch not knowing what to expect.  She ended up having an ulcer in one eye and the other one does not make tears.  So $300.00 later we are back home with 4 different kinds of meds. and this stupid thing on her head.  She has to wear it when we are not watching her.  So that isn't very much.  I put it on her just now and took her picture.  She hates it and two seconds after I took the picture she had managed to take it off.  Now Beckym is trying to put it on as I write this.  Pretty funny.  Well Monday we will go in to make sure she is still OK so I will keep you all posted. 


Beckym trying to touch her eyes after I just told him not to.


Elley hat is what he kept telling me.


Don't you love his legs being crossed.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Heaven and video games

Well, today at lunch Cadynce asked if everybody has to die.  I said, "yes everyone dies at some point."  He said that he didn't want to die.   So, Payton mentioned that he would go to heaven and that it is a really neat place.  Cadynce then asked Payton if God had any video games? Payton replies with "probably."  Scott then said, "well we don't really know what heaven is like, but it is going to be great."  Cadynce didn't really seem to care.  He just wants to go to heaven now and see what it is all about :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Open gym

When the weather is not so nice we go to an open gym with the boys to run around and play.  Today we went and Cadynce brought a friend as well.  The gym is a gymnastics place so there is all kinds of stuff the boys can do here.   They use up a lot of energy right before nap time so it is great!!
Here is Cadynce hanging on the bar before he falls into the foam pit.

There he goes.  His friend is in the background.

He made it safely into the pit!

 He is always being a monkey hanging upside down on the parallel bars.


 The two boys were chasing each other through this thing.



 Beckym running with Kaylee the neighbor girl on the long tramp.



 Cadynce getting ready to jump but he thought he needed help the first time.  It is amazing to me he is cautious with things like this because he was such a climber when he was little.

There he goes finally!

Cadynce's nickname in the summer is Tarzan because he is a climber and normally without a shirt and long blond hair with a tan little body.  This is him acting like Tarzan.



 Beckym doing his best at the parallel bars


This isnt a very good picture but it is Cadynce climbing the rope.

Is this Shampoo?

Well this is one of those moments that I have this blog for so that I dont forgot things like this.  This morning while I was showering and getting ready for the day Beckym was really busy.  I always shower while Beckym plays around upstairs and comes into make a mess in the bathroom, but this morning he was gone the whole time.  I did wonder in the back of my mind what he might be doing so quietly instead of bothering me but I kept right on getting ready.  I was getting ready a lot faster without him.  When I finally finished drying my hair I went looking for him.  He was on the steps with Elley and his bear.  I then noticed he had a bottle of something with him but wasn't sure what it was.  I then saw the cap off and asked what he was doing.  He took off running so I knew it wasn't good.  He went and threw the bottle in the garbage and came running out to find me.  I then saw that he had rubbed lotion all through his hair like it was shampoo.  So today Beckym had had two baths before 10:00.  I guess I should check on him more often when he is being quiet and I am getting ready. Here are a few pictures of his hair before he got his second bath.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Cadynce playing basketball

Cadynce is playing basketball for the first time this year.  He really enjoys it and it will be fun to watch him grow.  He practices for the first half and plays a game the second half of the hour that he is there.  Here he is on the bench waiting his turn to go in and play.


 Dribbling practice.


 Going up for the shot!


Long Winter Day

I the winter is getting long because one day Beckym and Cadynce decided to act like my living room was a gym.  They pulled the couch cushions off and jumped off the couch onto them.  All I could do was take pictures at the two boys flying off the couch and landing not so softly on the floor and a little on the cushions.Here are a few pictures from the long winter day.

 Beckym flying through the air and of course with no shirt on.  He dont really like to wear clothes much.  It dont matter if it is 20 degrees out. 


 Cadynce doing the same except with clothes on.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jump Payton

Payton had a basketball game this past weekend and we were telling him he has to jump really high and get the rebound.  I brought up that I could jump really high so we had to try it and have a picture taken while doing it.  Some of these pictures are really funny to look at and I believe I was higher in every one.  Ha!

 I think Payton forgot to jump here or something.


Cadynce of course had to get in the action as well but I think he has a ways to go.


 Legs straight.


Beckym turns 2!!

I can not believe that my baby is 2 already.  My how the last two years have flown by.  I still remember him in the hospital all that time and now he is well, just crazy.  Nana and Papa came for the weekend to celebrate Beckym's birthday.  We went to T-Rex after two basketball games and then did presents and cake as well.  Beckym loves cake and so do the other boys.  Payton and Cadynce already know what kind of cake they want for their birthdays which are right around the corner as well.
  Here is Beckym and Nana before cake practicing how old Beckym is now.

 Opening presents.


 Wow there are trains on my cake.


 Blowing out the candles.


Finally I get to eat it.


On Beckym's birthday we went to Fritz's which is a fun place for kids to go and eat.  The food comes out on a train which is very exciting.  Beckym and the other two boys loved watching the trains bring the food out. Here is Beckym with his train hat on.  He is always saying cheese when we take his picture so it is hard to get a good picture.

Cadynce with his hat.  Payton didn't really need to wear one he thought.

Patiently waiting for their food.

This is one of Beckym's presents he got and he really likes it so far which is nice.

Trip home from Iowa

Ok so here is how our trip home from Iowa went.  We left thinking that all the kids would sleep at least for sure the little ones.  We get about 30 minutes down the highway and we see that Payton is sound asleep in the back seat and so is Cadynce.  When we look at Beckym he is crying and throwing a fit becuase he says he is all done! I say to Scott that is weird the one that I thought would sleep right away is still awake.  Scott said that he would eventually go to sleep or at least we all hoped he would! As Payton and Cadynce slept Beckym did a lot of screaming and crying he even tried to get out of his seat but only managed to get his shirt half way off.  Here he is trying to take his shirt off.


 Finally he did fall asleep but after screaming for 2 and a half hours.


The two older boys woke up and played DS and watched a movie while Beckym finally slept.

This is why we dont like to travel to Iowa tons because they are really long rides.