Monday, January 25, 2010

Long Winter Day

I the winter is getting long because one day Beckym and Cadynce decided to act like my living room was a gym.  They pulled the couch cushions off and jumped off the couch onto them.  All I could do was take pictures at the two boys flying off the couch and landing not so softly on the floor and a little on the cushions.Here are a few pictures from the long winter day.

 Beckym flying through the air and of course with no shirt on.  He dont really like to wear clothes much.  It dont matter if it is 20 degrees out. 


 Cadynce doing the same except with clothes on.



  1. Oh yes, the creative things you come up with to get through the cold and snowy winter months. We might have to try that at our house one of these days. :)

  2. how's the timing on those jumps coming? It was so funny when watching him trying to get it timed out just right, crazy man!
